Officials investigating the ongoing gas leak in Wheatley have made progress in bringing an abandoned well to the surface.
On Monday, January 10, the casing stub for the abandoned well identified as APEC 2 (Area of Potential Environmental Concern) was exposed. Work continues today to bring the well casing (located in a municipal parking lot) to surface.
Bringing the abandoned well to surface level will enable the team to monitor the well which will assist with identifying future activities and mitigation options.
Once that Is accomplished officials plan to conduct tests with pressurized water to determine if an underground connection exists between the two wells.
APEC 2 is approximately 50 metres from APEC 1, a well located at the scene of an explosion in August.
No gas release has taken place since November 21 and given the interval between events officials are expecting a release soon. The test separator and venting system remain in place connected to APEC 1 which improves the overall safety of the site.
Homeowner access will resume when appropriate to do so.
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