By Matt Weingarden – The Lakeshore News Staff
The Windsor Regional Hospital Foundation has launched its 13th annual Hats On For Healthcare Campaign, which has raised more than $450,000 for programs and services at Windsor Regional Hospital.
The beneficiary of this year’s campaign is the new Mental Health Program at the Ouellette Campus – consisting of the new assessment unit, eight psychiatric intensive care beds and 60 beds in the Acute Care Unit.
“The physical space is the holding space for the gem of our program, the team of multidisciplinary professionals: nurses, social workers, occupational therapists, family practice physicians and psychiatrists,” said chief of Psychiatry Dr. Corina Velehorschi. “We strive to treat every patient as if they were our family members. The common misconception is that mental health affects mostly the stigmatized, the marginalized in our community. It can be anyone and it is our role to buttress their supports by involving family and community resources for best outcomes. There is no health without mental health.”
In the last fiscal year, over 5,600 patients with a mental health or substance abuse primary diagnoses were assessed in the ER of which over 3,200 were assessed in the Mental Health Assessment Unit and 2,000 were admitted to inpatient psychiatry.
Residents, families, businesses, organizations, schools or a group of friends are encouraged to register at hatsonforhealthcare.com as a team, wear a hat and raise funds for this worthy cause. Individuals are also encouraged to donate to support the cause.
The goal for this year is $50,000, which would bring the overall campaign total to date to over half-a million dollars.
“This campaign always marks a new season for us because it signifies that spring is just around the corner,” said Foundation Board chair Beth Ann Prince. “We are thrilled to support our Mental Health Program which has made incredible strides to improve the care of our mental health patients at Windsor Regional Hospital.”
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