Lakeshore News Reporter
Since opening at the beginning of May, several outdoor washrooms at Lakeshore’s parks have been vandalized and damaged. In many cases, the damage created unsafe conditions which has prompted the municipality to close the facilities.
Over the last month, nearly all of Lakeshore’s outdoor public washrooms have experienced significant vandalism, including graffiti, broken doors, smashed mirrors, removal and/or damage of garbage containers, soap and toilet paper dispensers, as well as sinks and toilets ripped from their anchors.
The current cost of damage is estimated to be over $16,000, with more than 150 hours of staff and contractor time dedicated to making repairs and replacing items.
“This is a frustrating situation, not just for park users who can no longer enjoy the incredible amenities our parks have to offer, but also for Council and our hardworking staff. We put a lot of pride into creating welcoming public spaces, and, unfortunately, the actions of a few have spoiled it for everyone else,” said Lakeshore mayor Tom Bain. “We know this is not just a Lakeshore issue. We’ve heard similar stories from many of our municipal neighbours and regional partners, so we hope someone out there has information that will lead authorities to the perpetrators.”
A report outlining options for additional security and monitoring of outdoor facilities is expected to be presented to Council in the coming weeks.
Anyone with information related to acts of vandalism should contact Lakeshore OPP at 519-728-1810 or anonymously via CrimeStoppers at www.CrimeStoppers.ca or 1-800-222-8477.
To report a problem related to vandalism or damage to local facilities, please contact the Municipality of Lakeshore at 519-728-2488 or online at Lakeshore.ca/ReportAProblem.
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