By Matt Weingarden – Lakeshore News Reporter
For the first time in several years, World Champion weight-lifter Jerry Marentette was able to hold a competitive tournament at his gym in Belle River last weekend.
“We had a really great response,” said Marentette,” It’s nice to be back hosting these events. We’ve missed them.”
Holding competitions like this has been a passion of Marentette’s for many years. Unfortunately, the pandemic forced a shut down of his annual competitions.
This tournament, like so many others, attracts a wide group of weightlifters – male and female to the young and old(er) age groups.
Stan Goss, 69, started power lifting in 1979.
The London native started competing after a bad truck racing accident left him in a position where he could no longer race competitively.
A friend of his encouraged him to start lifting because of his size and stature.
“What? Me? I’m 130 pounds of nothing,” laughed Goss. “He said, don’t worry about that, there are ten different weight classes.”
He went to a competition held at Belle River High School in 1978 and was hooked after realizing that he could compete in his weight class.
“After my first competitive meet, I was hooked.” he said.
Since then, he has participated in over 100 weight-lifting competitions.
“I can’t hit a ball for love or money…or throw…so that leaves out baseball and golf,” laughed Goss. “I realized I could do this competitively and I pride myself at being able to do this consistently. It’s fun.”

Competitively, he has been on three world teams, three Canadian teams and won competitions in Ontario 14 times. His children and sister have even competed next to him.
“I love it, I love coaching…its my way of giving back to the sport,” he added. “I’ve been fortunate enough to travel and meet people from around the world.”
The youngest competitor was Belle River native David Karagovski. The 18-year-old has been lifting for just under a year and last week’s competition was his first.
“This feels natural to me,” said Karagovski. “And, I’m loving the competitive nature of the sport.”
He admits to not being completely sure of what to expect during competition day, but was looking forward to the challenge.
The St. Anne graduate enjoys competing in the dead lift the most.
For more information visit http://www.powerpit.ca/
Or, send a message to jerrymarentette@hotmail.com
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