Based on information from Environment Canada, the Windsor-Essex County Health Unit has issued a Heat Warning for Monday, July 4 and Tuesday, July 5.
A heat warning is issued when two consecutive days are forecasted to have a daytime high temperature greater than or equal to 31°C and overnight temperatures greater than or equal to 21°C or a humidex of 42 or greater.
Heat-related illnesses are preventable! You can prevent a heat illness by following these tips to stay cool:
- Monitor local weather forecasts and warnings regularly – Stay up to date by visiting staycoolwindsor-essex.com and or by following the Windsor-Essex County Health Unit on Twitter and Facebook.
- Drink plenty of water, even if you don’t feel thirsty
- Wear a wide-brimmed hat and lightweight, loose-fitting clothing
- Take a cool bath or shower
- Limit outdoor activities to the coolest part of the day
- Do not leave children, adults or pets in parked cars
- Stay connected or call to check with family members, neighbours or friends during very hot days in case they need assistance
- Look for shade or a cool shelter in an air-conditioned location if available.
- Learn about ways to keep your home cool during the summer (e.g., keep window shades or drapes drawn and blinds closed on the sunny side of your home). If you have an air conditioner, make sure it works properly before the hot weather starts.
For more information, please visit staycoolwindsor-essex.com and follow Windsor-Essex County Health Unit on Twitter and Facebook.
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