Newsdesk – Lakeshore News Reporter
With the start of Summer underway, the Windsor-Essex County Health Unit wants to remind parents and students that obtaining immunizations and updating student immunization records be a top priority.
The WECHU is reminding Gr. 7 students (this past school year) and any secondary students with missing immunizations, to plan to receive their shots as soon as possible.
In an effort to get all students who did not receive their Gr. 7 vaccines caught up, the catch-up immunization clinics are scheduled Monday to Friday at a number of community locations throughout the summer. In addition, clinics are available at the WECHU’s Windsor and Leamington office locations. The catch-up immunization clinic schedule is available online.
Appointments can be made online or by calling 519-258-2146 ext. 4500. Vaccination appointments are available now for July and August.
Stephanie McCallum, manager of the Healthy Schools Program at the WECHU says, “We know the students’ summer schedules fill up fast. This is one way students can plan their summer early, so they’re not leaving this until the last minute, risking a possible school suspension.”
Public health staff will be available to assess and update the immunization records and/or administer vaccines for Hepatitis B, HPV, and Meningococcal disease at any of the clinics.
Approximately 13,000 secondary students with incomplete immunization records received immunization notices in June. Since the notification letters were sent, approximately 1,000 secondary students have received vaccinations and/or updated their records.
McCallum states, “We encourage families to contact their child’s health care provider for other vaccines needed and to update their child’s immunization record online, by visiting immune.wechu.org.”
At the beginning of September, secondary students who still have incomplete immunization records will receive a suspension notice, suspending them from school for up to 20 days.
For more information on the immunization requirements for school, and to access or update student immunization records, visit the WECHU website.
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