By Matt Weingarden – Staff Reporter
Royal 47 is a public mature golf course located in the heart of Windsor-Essex County conveniently at 7044 9th Concession Rd., in Maidstone.
Recently the course has undergone new ownership and management by the 47 Group of Companies, with a focus on bringing quality golfing conditions at an affordable price.
Course general manager Allan Stanley says they are looking to blow up the stigma that golf is a game for the elite and high class. His goal is to grow the game.
“Coming out of the pandemic, people have choices now. Our vision and goal is all about value. Value for your money, affordability and accessible…just fun,” said Stanley, who oversees the operation.
Golf is Fun!
“Our slogan is Golf is Fun. We’re not on television, we’re not getting paid big bucks…I want this to be known as the place to have fun.” said Stanley.
“The more money it costs, the better the golf…its simply not true,” says Stanley. “You don’t need to dress up for golf…we’re going to strip away the misnomer that you need to act or talk a certain way. We’re just playing a sport that we love.”
“Who says you can’t play golf in flip flops and wearing your hat backwards,” laughed Stanley. Play your music, have a couple of beers.”
Formerly known as “Royal Estate G.C.,” the course at the Royal Estate Golf Club facility features all the hallmarks of Ontario golf. The course opened in 1985 by Robert Nesbit who has retired as the Golf Professional/Manager.
Making the golf experience comfortable
Avid golfer or not, Stanley says his goal is to make people comfortable…there is no looking over your shoulder, or wondering what others are thinking of you.
Stanley describes the course as a bit tricky, short, built for beginners and intermediate players…a challenge. They have a large number of ladies and seniors who play the course everyday.
Each shot has value, explains Stanley, using very club in your bag….the sign of a good course.
“We are trying to bring value to the consumer. Golf can be expensive, we want to provide a place that is affordable and accessible,” said Stanley. “Right now, we are the least expensive place to play golf in Essex County,” said Stanley. “And, I plan to keep it that way.”
Location, location, location.
“We are literally in the middle of the county, 20 minutes from Lakeshore, LaSalle, Amherstburg…we have leagues that specifically pick our location because it allows residents from across the county to gather, get in a few rounds and get home at a reasonable hour,” said Stanley.
The course measures 5694 total yards from the longest tees and features three sets of tees for different skill levels, as well, the greens and fairways are bent.
The course employs a small, solid team of experienced individuals, which makes Stanley’s job easier.

Dan Ardley, greens superintendent within the business for 50 years, says they are working on many improvements to the course. New irrigation lines, drainage and teeing areas are top of the wish list.
Proper drainage results in less revenue lost during rainy days.
Stanley is convinced that word of mouth is his best ally in promoting the course
“The feedback we are getting is outstanding, they tell friends, and we’re getting solid repeat business. In a couple of years, I’m convinced that we’re going to be the destination to golf in Essex County.” He said.
“We are not trying to reinvent the wheel. We are making improvements every day to make the golf experience better,” said Stanley. “And, people are noticing.”
Stanley, who has competed on the pro circuit and educated at Gannon University in Erie Pennsylvania on a scholarship, has been around the game for most of his life. Managing the course was an opportunity he couldn’t pass up and after working many different jobs over the years, feels he has come full circle…an opportunity to give back to the game that has given him so much.
That old adage saying “If you love what you do, you don’t work a day in your life…its true,” laughed Stanley.
Community is important to Stanley, as well as the ownership group. His plans include making the course a hub and home for junior golfers, eventually offering clinics and tournaments for teenagers and younger players. Growing the game is a major goal of Stanleys, as well as getting involved in charity events across the county.
Strong leadership
Allan says he is thrilled to be working with such a strong, smart group of owners. The support and autonomy Stanley has been given by the 47 Group of Companies is tremendous.
“They are a smart group of investors and so good to work with. They purchased the land as an investment and were able to see the possibilities of the opportunity are endless,” Stanley added.
“This is a hidden gem, you won’t get better value for your money,” said Stanley.
“Come, have fun, bring your friends and family. Golf is fun.”
Visit www.royal47golf.com for more information or to book a tee time.
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