Lock Out Cancer takes place each year in May and is one of two signature campaigns by the Windsor Cancer Centre Foundation.
Funds raised support cancer awareness, research, and treatment for women in our region.
“Lock Out Cancer supports our mothers, daughters, sisters, wives, aunts, loved ones, friends, and coworkers diagnosed with cancer. This past May, our community came together to raise funds, and we are full of gratitude,” says Houida Kassem, executive director of the Windsor Cancer Centre Foundation.
Stephanie Giacalone is one of five women selected as Lock Out Cancer Ambassadors for 2022.
“I am incredibly moved by the generosity, kindness and compassion of people in our community who have supported the Lock Out Cancer Campaign. They continue to stand with us every step of the way in our fight with cancer,” said Giacalone. “Our community’s donations and support are making a difference in our cancer journey in many ways and providing us the resources we need to fight this disease.”
The chosen ambassadors are women from the greater community that have come through the doors of the Windsor Regional Cancer Centre as patients. They’ve seen, first-hand, the value of funds raised to support the Windsor Regional Cancer Program.
“I am beyond grateful to live in this community and for everyone who has supported the Windsor Cancer Centre Foundation and this campaign. There aren’t enough words to express how thankful I am. You are giving us the greatest gift – reminding us that our fight is your fight too and we are not alone,” added Giacalone.
Lock Out Cancer brings local companies and the community together with fundraising initiatives like Lilies for Lock Out, Spas for a Cause, and Grocery Raffle with a grand prize of $5,000 in free groceries.
The Windsor Cancer Centre Foundation would like to thank the following organizations for their unwavering support; Charity Partner, Windsor Regional Hospital, Gold Sponsor the Scott Family Foundation, Silver Sponsors Ground Effects and the University of Windsor, and Bronze Sponsors Amico, Tim Hortons, and Mastercraft.
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