Lakeshore’s most successful years were 2010 to 2018 when I served the entire time as Ward 3 Councillor, making things happen.
I was instrumental in grants flowing from all government levels, favouring our municipality. An example was 34.6 million from provincial and federal governments as well as key private donations I encouraged, which allowed us to build Lakeshore’s Multi-Use Sports Complex for all of our residents.
While on several committees, for example the Seniors Committee, I worked with Knights of Columbus Council 2775 to secure a grant which resulted in the celebration of 120 Lakeshore couples married 50 plus years. Our grant was such a success that it showcased at the Federation of Canadian Municipalities Conference in Ottawa!
I worked with the Legion 399 to secure the needed Canada 150 Grant to upgrade their front entrance for accessibility.
Grants in the private sector utilized my assistance and resources to create jobs.
I made so many important connections for Lakeshore such as a meaningful contact with the Railroad Federal Safety Board.
Many have been helped with information resources and connections to government support using my networking and people skills. I have worked with all parties on behalf of our residents, keeping every election promise I have ever made.
A tour showed how Chrysler needed assistance to keep their plant viable. I spent countless hours advocating for the workers. Major newspapers were contacted and, on the podium, I addressed the Windsor Essex Chamber of Commerce to express the importance to our economy.
My drive to reclaim Rourke Line Parkette turned into a grant to build ten Parkettes across the Municipality.
In spearheading our ownership of Lakeview Park from the federal government, then building and expanding West Beach, I helped create a resort atmosphere for our residents and others to enjoy, not to mention the many economic spin offs!
I was resolute in supporting the much needed road infrastructure which included widening and roundabouts.
Woodslee residents got the Millen Recreational Centre and a new library on my watch.
We (Council), kept renting the ice in Essex and Tilbury for our residents while three new rinks were built.
I believe in fairness and some areas of Lakeshore have felt left out at times. For example, when Council offered Belle River businesses a grant, I believed Stoney Point needed the same.
Lots of my own time and resources have gone into studying better ways for Lakeshore such as a study tour of flooding, recycling best practices, volunteer fire fighter training to best equip them, trail building and maintenance, community recreation planning, roadway best practices and much, much more.
I was Councillor for the residents of Lakeshore, where I made things happen by us working together to achieve what was possible. Deputy Mayor does not end in a three hour meeting, it’s something that follows me home, where I’m proud to live.
See more at www.davemonk.ca
Elect Dave Monk, Deputy Mayor.
I work for you!
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