Why should constituents consider voting for you?
My name is John Kerr and I am currently your Lakeshore Ward 4 Councillor. I am seeking re-election as your Councillor for the next 4 years.
Top three concerns across the municipality:
As a Lakeshore resident, what happens to you also happens to me. I travel the same roads you do and I am often frustrated at the poor condition of some of our roads. Not only is it tough on the wear and tear of your vehicle, but Lakeshore pedestrians, who don’t have the convenience to live on a newly designed walking path, must be on high alert for uneven pavement, tripping hazards and/or potholes.
The Lake levels have rescinded and it appears the impact storms have not hit the same thresholds as in the first two years of my term on Council. This does not mean we defund or cease our New Flood Protection Master Plans. On the contrary, it is imperative for property owners to know that we are looking into the future and working to protect their interests. We all know it’s only a matter of time before the record lake levels return along with the violent storms that flooded properties and basements.
Ward 4 residents should be aware that there are three very important flood mitigation projects ongoing: the Lakeshore website mapping shows Stormwater Master Plan Phase I projects underway. Seasons at the Creek Drainage Improvements, the Terra Lou Pumping Scheme Improvements and The First Street Pump Station at the Via tracks. This project upon completion will include the long-awaited safe walking path that goes over the VIA Tracks leading to Lakeview Park and it’s splashpad.
To the Notre Dame Street area Residents who signed the Community Improvement Project (C.I.P.) petition to explore the back up generator. Once the Stormwater Master Plan Phase I improvements have been completed, engineers will be moving forward to get you the information you need to make an informed decision.
Residents of Ward 4 and all of Lakeshore have a major concern from the encroachment of the mega greenhouses that are threatening to enter our beautiful community. Whenever I drive through Leamington at night, I am always grateful that Lakeshore isn’t subjected to the same night light glow that can be seen from Ohio and the bad smells as our Leamington neighbours. As I mentioned earlier, I live here too. I can’t see how Lakeshore residents will benefit from these grow-op factories. I see the opposite; I see the decaying of communities. We can’t have our residents suffering by allowing greenhouses to take over our farmland.
Tell us about yourself
I have a wonderful supportive wife Mary, who is the biggest voice in my ear encouraging me to seek re-election. I have two fantastic children and their wonderful spouses, along with two of the greatest grandchildren in the world.
I recently retired from Chrysler after 32 years of service.
In the four short years I have been on Council it has been a privilege to represent Ward 4 and my community. I humbly ask that you allow me to continue to make a difference in Lakeshore. On October 24th, vote for and re-elect John Kerr as your Ward 4 Councillor.
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