Why should constituents consider voting for you?
I am the only candidate with a plan to bring millions of dollars and 1,000’s of local high paying jobs to our community.
I have presently logged over 3,000 KM riding the pavement in Ward 1, I am upfront and personal with the people in my Ward and I have interviewed over 250 people walking and riding bicycles, I know their concerns and I plan to address them!
Top three concerns across the municipality:
Set my plan into high gear as noted above.
The official plan needs to be amended to allow the above plan to commence.
We need to set up better communication with the people of lakeshore.
Major issues and changes that affect the entire community should be voted on by the people, and the councillors should make their final vote at council based on the will of the people in his or her Ward. This is only the first step in my plan to eliminate corruption in government.
People need to hear the truth
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