Why should constituents consider voting for you?
I am driven, determined, understanding, team orientated and willing to work through the hard things for a better tomorrow.
I have lived in Lakeshore for my entire life, I am a graduate of St John the Baptist and Belle River High School. I have 10 years working experience for local municipalities with additional experience in being a union representative, health and safety representative, animal rights advocate, baseball and soccer coach among many other community initiatives.
Communication is key and if elected I would always keep those lines of communication open because if elected, I will be at the table representing the residents of Ward 4 in Lakeshore and they are intrusting me to be their voice and letting them know what is really happening within their community.
Top three concerns across the municipality:
The top three issues I have heard from the residents right now are housing, jobs and entertainment.
I believe the council of 2022-2026 should put in place a better policy to look at housing in our downtown cores. Affordable / Accessible housing. Currently we have large developments on the outer limits of our downtown areas and we have no capacity for those developments within our infrastructure. We need to look at what is pre-existing and look at retrofitting established dwellings into double occupancy homes to help fill in the downtown areas, ensure affordability and accessibility to our residents now and in the future.
Expand the downtown core in Ward 4, allow for more mixed uses, more shopping centres, restaurants, short term stays in established homes in the downtown area Ward 4 has a beautiful amenity that is being utilized by residents and vacationers, our beach and Lakeview park. We currently do not have an area for vacationers to stay the weekend and no interest in shopping at our established stores, or to eat at our restaurants. We can do better and there are ways to get people from the water to our downtown community. We need to look at providing this, if elected I plan on working with our Economic Development Officer and administration with Council to make Ward 4 a walkable community. This tourism initiative would bring gains to the community, businesses, residents and the municipality.
The third item is within all of Lakeshore, if elected I would work to prepare a policy that allowed for every hamlet within the Municipality to be retrofitted with the same holiday themes and banners. To ensure that our rural communities are a priority. We need to connect our hamlets, to ensure everyone that resides in Lakeshore has that walkable community, make CWATs and active transportation a priority as well as ensure that these hamlets have the amenities they require, that they have the opportunity for growth, and can be represented like other urban hamlets have been.
Lakeshore is vast and we must unit our community and I look forward to being a part of that initiative.
Tell us about yourself
My name is Sarah Aubin (nee Girard). I am 35 years old, I am mother, a public servant and an advocate for many causes within the community. I am determined and driven for a better tomorrow, but I am also good at understanding, communicating and listening to everyone to ensure that any decision that is made is an informed one. I believe everyone should get a say and have a voice and i would like to be that voice for the residents at the decision table. I have enjoyed working behind the scenes for the local municipality and would like to have the opportunity to work on the front lines as a council for Lakeshore residents.
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