Why should constituents consider voting for you?
People are looking to vote for someone who will improve their lives or maintain their current level of comfort in their lives. The next council in Lakeshore will have a minimum of four new councillors elected.
Since running in the 2018 election, I have learned that the same issues that were present in 2018 are again a hot topic in the 2022 election. Having experience on local and regional councils will help in continuing to have a strong Lakeshore municipality.
My motivation for serving on council is to represent the voters and to make my community a better place to live. The majority of my community involvement has been to help people, which is an important quality for this position. I find that this is the number one priority for a councillor if they are running in an election. Having confidence in your elected officials should be expected and earned and if elected I would strive to work with the voters on a daily basis. Ward 5 is mostly a rural, farming community and the importance of this should reflect on the quality and quantity of time the elected councilor should spend listening and working with the farming community to improve or maintain the level of support needed.
I would consider myself as a confident, open minded individual who is always willing to learn. I promise to put your needs ahead of my own and to work together to reach a desired outcome. Hopefully during
the next few weeks of campaigning, I will be able to meet and discuss topics which are important to you and your family. Remember to vote for a candidate who will work with you and for you for the next 4 years.
Top three concerns across the municipality:
The top three issues facing Ward 5 in the next election would be the proposal for the Large Scale Greenhouses, the Energy Storage Project and Improvement to neglected road and boulevard areas.
The greenhouses are a very important topic due to the fact that the decision on what course Lakeshore takes will be decided in March of 2023. When I attended the Comber open house for the LSGH, I heard a large number of passionate people who were upset and angry about how their objections would go unanswered. I did learn that a total ban on LSGH would be a bad decision going forward due to the fact that doing this could put the final decision in the hands of the Ontario government. We learned the hard way when saying no to the windmill projects. I would propose to limit the number that can be built or where they can be built.
There are road, water and environmental issues to consider which could make it difficult to invest in LSGH in the lakeshore area.
Similar to the LSGH is the Energy Storage Project to be located on County Rd 46 and Rochester Townline.
Due to the size and the nature of the project and the environmental concerns, I can guarantee that this will be important for voters at election time.
Lastly there are areas in Ward 5 that have been neglected. I discussed this during the 2018 election campaign and nothing but patch work has ever been done to fix this issue. Areas like Woodslee, St Joachim
and Staples, do not get the attention that the larger areas like Belle River or Comber receive. Having an attractive area for small businesses to locate would be a bonus for the smaller areas in Ward 5. We should continue with eliminating the gravel roads and replacing them with the tar and chip. Tar boulevards should be eliminated and are an eyesore. Ward 5 should be equally represented when it comes to the road infrastructure in
Lakeshore and the residents should be made aware of future road work within the Ward.
Tell us about yourself
My name is Tim McDermott and I have lived in Lakeshore for the past 31 years. I work as a shift supervisor as a machinist in Windsor. I am passionate about my work because I love what I do, I have a steady source of motivation that drives me to do my best. I like to think of myself as a people person. I can always find common ground with strangers, and like making people feel comfortable when they are around me. I take pride in
myself for making sure people have the right information which results in an educated person who can make the best choices.
Happily married to my wife Laurie-Jo(Fuerth) for 27 years. Proud parents of Jaylen and Brooklynn. Member of St.John the Evangelist church for the past 31 years. Cemetery Manager at St. John’s Cemetery for the past 19 years. Past Chair of the Libro Woodslee Owner Rep Board. Past Vice Chair, current member of the Libro Windsor Essex North Regional Board. Past Volunteer for three years at Victim Services of Windsor and Essex County.
Member of the Board of Directors for the Woodslee Community Association.
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