Why should constituents consider voting for you?
Ask your friends, neighbours and colleagues. They will tell you that I listen; that I keep myself informed; that I am a strategic thinker; that I return your calls; that you may not always like what I say, but that I always get back to you; that I put your agenda first; that I have put in the work, that I have the experience and that I am ready.
I bring with me over 25 years experience in community settings and eight years as an elected official. I am a proactive, result driven and community connected professional. I am a bold strategic leader who understands the political dimensions of community work. I sit on 11 area committees/boards and influence decision making. I have a significant base of community connections and built relationships with all levels of Government.
I have a well-developed understanding of leadership, engagement and relationship management through my role as chief executive officer for the Community Support Centre of Essex County, as your current deputy mayor as well as through Committee and Board work like:
- 911 Technical Advisory Board
- Windsor Essex County Health Unit Board of Directors and Audit Committee
- Windsor Essex County Health Unit – Joint Board Executive Committee
- ELK Energy Board – Vice Chair
- Essex Region Conservation Authority (ERCA) Executive Board Member
- Essex Region Conservation Authority (ERCA) – Finance Committee Member
- Stroll the Street – Chairperson
- Part of the (BIA) Belle River Business Improvement Association
- June 27th Miracle Organizing Committee Member
- Essex County Library Board
- Accessibility Advisory Committee Vice Chair
- Sub-Region Health System Accountability Table
- Windsor-Essex Ontario Health Team
- Regional transportation Committee
Top three concerns across the municipality:
Roads and Infrastructure
We need a solution to our sewage problem end to end in Lakeshore. This means that we need to address the plants and the pipes in the ground. We need to be open about looking at alternative solutions.
We need a solid stance on Greenhouse Operations and the protection of farm lands.
We need multi-year planning aligned with multi-year budgets for our roads.
Planned Growth
We need to plan our growth in order to promote complete communities where residents can work, shop and access services in close proximity to where they live.
It is time to stop planning in four-year terms and create long term sustainable plans. And then… we need to stick to our plans!
I am keen to collaborate and create solutions. It is my responsibility to ensure services are delivered today but also services are delivered tomorrow for future generations.
I will demonstrate bold, focused leadership. I will ensure that the vision of Council is clear and that there are operational plans and capacity to see the vision through. I will work to build a strong and supported administration and Council, thus delivering on resident needs. I will work to foster good communications between the Municipality, Developers, Businesses, Networks and the residents of Lakeshore. I will assist in a shift to collective decision making.
Tell us about yourself
I am so grateful for this opportunity to introduce myself to you, the residents of Lakeshore. I am a wife and mother of three daughters and together, we reside in the Hamlet of St. Joachim.
I am a recipient of the St. Clair College Alumni of Distinction Award, nominated for the Ontario Premier’s Award and a nominee for Women of Influence in Local Government Award. I received a diploma in Early Childhood Education from St. Clair College; a Degree in Psychology from the University of Windsor; A Certificate in Health Leadership from the Canadian College of Health Leaders and a completed the Advanced Health Leadership program at University of Toronto.
Mostly… I am your neighbor; your friend; your family member and a resident of this beautiful place called Lakeshore.
Together, we will see positive results and I cannot wait to be your mayor!
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