Due to the anticipated protest by the Canadian Union of Public Employees (CUPE) continuing into the week of November 7, Windsor Essex Catholic District School Board has announced that schools will remain closed for in-person learning until further notice.
This is a decision that is consistent with many other school boards throughout Ontario whose Educational Assistants, Early Childhood Educators and other para-professionals will not be reporting for work. The decision was not made lightly, but out of an abundance of concern for health and safety, and for our principled belief in being equitable for all our students.
Those students/families who require devices in order to participate in online instruction should call their school offices to arrange for a time to pick them up on Monday or Tuesday.
Please be considerate of the fact that some households do not have technology, and that our school board has a finite supply of devices. If parents and students have their own devices they should use those so that students who require board-supplied technology will be able to access their online classrooms.
If students need to retrieve other items such as textbooks they left at school in order to facilitate learning from home they should call the school to make arrangements to pick them up.
In order to help facilitate online learning, parents may want to visit our Continuity of Learning page where they can find a variety of resources.
Parents can also expect that all child care centers that operate in our schools will remain open, unless they are notified otherwise by individual operators.
Students who require mental health support should reach out to available community agencies and/or family doctors for support. A list of resources can be found on our website here.
Extracurricular sports practices may continue as scheduled. WECSSAA scheduled competition is dependent on venue availability in consultation with WECSSAA and coterminous school boards.
Should the situation change and we are able to open schools for in-person learning the Board will communicate that information to all parents and students in a timely manner.
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