Online shopping makes it easier to find that perfect gift for the festive season, but it’s also made it a cinch for thieves to steal your purchases right from your doorstep.
The good news is that you don’t have to be a victim if you follow a few simple steps aimed at sending the porch pirate away empty-handed.
- Request a signature on delivery.
- Ship the package to a trusted neighbour or relative who will be home.
- Arranged to have packages delivered to your workplace – if your employer allows it.
- Track your delivery online so you know when they’re slated to arrive and plan to be home when the package is delivered.
- Install video cameras and post signage to indicate surveillance is in effect.
- Request the package be left out of sight at a rear or side door.
- Choose in-store or curbside pickup.
If packages are stolen from your home, please be sure to report the incident to your local police and the company that delivered your purchase. Reporting the crime gives police valuable information about potential theft trends in your area. If investigators know there’s a problem, police can dedicate resources to problem areas.
To contact your local OPP detachment, call 1-888-310-1122 or Crime Stoppers at 1-800-222-TIPS (8477).
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