A new homelessness drop-in center is opening today under Street Angels- a program by Feeding Windsor Essex.
The drop in, located in Leamington at 58 Erie St S, will be open seven days a week and will be accessible by anyone ages 16 years and over in search of a warm, safe place to go between the hours of 6pm-10pm.
The pilot project will serve as a way to gather rich data on service users in order to implement more permanent programming that addresses the needs of vulnerable locals. The Feeding Windsor Essex team is offering food, resources, and supplies to those in need at the drop-in centre in addition to a warm place to gather and connect.
“It’s by the community for the community”, said Merissa Mills, director of Street Angels, “We are looking for volunteers to help out at the centre.”
Interested parties can inquire about volunteering by emailing streetangelswindsor@gmail.com or by calling 519-997-1556.
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