On Jan. 25, the WindsorEssex Community Foundation (WECF) was joined by Green Shield to announce the successful recipients of their granting partnership.
A total of $564,000 has been invested in four local charities to fund critical mental and oral health programs in the Windsor-Essex Community.
“Over the past few years, Green Shield has been incredibly proud to partner with the WECF as a leading advocate for community well-being here in Windsor-Essex. With their support, and thanks to the dedication and expertise of these front-line organizations, we have invested over $2 million locally since 2018 in programs that help improve access to mental and oral health care, both areas of the health care system that are often overlooked and under-funded,” said Mila Lucio, executive vice president of Human Resources & Social Impact, Green Shield On behalf of Green Shield, I’m thrilled to share that the projects that we’re celebrating today will positively impact over 3,000 lives by offering innovative solutions to help ensure that people in our community can access the resources and care they need.”
Funding recipients joined Green Shield and the WECF at the temporary location of the Youth Wellness Hub Windsor-Essex, located at Maryvale, to celebrate this latest investment in community.
The organizations funded through these grants include:
- The Canadian Mental Health Association Windsor-Essex County Branch, awarded $200,000 to support the Youth
Wellness Hub Windsor-Essex.
- The Windsor Family Health Team, awarded $200,000 to support their
- Harrow Health Centre Family Health Team awarded $100,000 to support
- Trans Wellness Ontario awarded $64,000 to support their .
“On behalf of the WECF we want to thank Green Shield for providing us with the opportunity to continue to address the oral and mental health needs of the Windsor-Essex Community,” said Lisa Kolody, executive Director, WindsorEssex Community Foundation.
“We are honoured to be a part of this initiative and are excited to have been able to grant $564,000 to support worthy programs that address the oral and mental health needs of Windsor- Essex. Congratulations, once more to the grant recipients. We look forward to seeing the positive impact your projects will have in our community.”
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